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How long does a va notice of disagreement take Form: What You Should Know

The longer your NOD stays on file with the VA, the longer it will take for an independent medical review (MR). That's because the MR has the authority to review the medical evidence that can be submitted (e.g. letters, physicals, etc) and to make a recommendation on how to proceed if this evidence does not meet criteria for VA treatment. Why Is It Important to File a Notice of Disagreement (VA Form 21-0958) on a timely basis? The more evidence you provide up front, the sooner an independent medical evaluation (MR) can be conducted. A VA medical review process can take anywhere from a few months to a year or longer. If you wait too long, the MR will not have time to examine medical records and/or consider your arguments because a decision on medical evidence will ultimately have to be made by the VA medical director or the medical director's designee. If the MR makes a recommendation that you be treated for pain relief or another disability claim (such as PTSD) based on your NOD, that recommendation will be made public. In some cases, the results of the MR may be published on the VA's website. This is important because most complaints to the MR are related to issues already decided in your NOD. If you wait for an independent medical review, the VA medical director may make a decision that is inconsistent with your complaint. You may find that it is in your health's best interests to seek an appointment with a private doctor. If the MR agrees with your NOD, your VA claim will be allowed as soon as the MR receives all the medical evidence. This process usually requires no paperwork, which means that no further appeals are possible. That means that the decision you receive from the MR is final and that you are then eligible to receive the benefit or service you were originally entitled to. If the MR disagrees with your NOD, the award or award benefit is subject to appeal to the U.S. Claims Tribunal for Veterans Claims or the U.S. Court of Federal Claims. The results of this appeal can vary. If the Tribunal awards any form of adjustment or a reduction in benefits to you or a dependent person, your MR decision will be overturned by the U.S. Court of Claims. This process can also involve a determination of a partial disability.

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