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Va disability appeal timeline Form: What You Should Know

Mar 7, 2024 — The first appeal can be made within 60 days from the date of the letter. For other appeals, you can file an appeal within 40 days from the date of the letter. When is the most appropriate time to file an appeal? Appeal — Air Force Wounded Warrior Program This is an excellent question. If you believe the medical and surgical findings are different from what was determined, and you think the determination was incorrect, then this is a matter that is best suited for an appeal. However, if you are not asking for a revision of the decision, which would result in a new decision, then there is no need to file an appeal. Appeal — Wounded Warrior Program The only time you will file an appeal is if you believe there is a significant error in your application, and you want a chance to get it corrected.  Appeal — Air Force Wounded Warrior Program The only time you will file an appeal in advance of 60 days from the mailing of the statement of the case is if a significant error is made in the medical or surgical decision. When will I get a response to my appeal? Once you file an appeal, we will send you a letter in 60 days of the day the decision is mailed. Once we receive your appeal it will take us 60 days to review it.

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Va disability appeal timeline

Instructions and Help about Va disability appeal timeline

Hello, I'm Alan Watt, a VA accredited claims agent with Veterans Disability. If you haven't already watched my introductory video, I encourage you to do so to get an idea of who I am and what I do. Today, I'm going to give a brief overview of the process for appealing a decision of a VA disability claim. After all the hard work involved with replying to the VA's requests for more records and completing one or more Compensation and Pension (C&P) exams, you may receive a notification letter from the VA denying your claim or stating that they don't find a disability. I know it can be very frustrating and you may feel like giving up, but don't take no for an answer and know your rights about appealing the decision. The first thing you want to do is file a Notice of Disagreement (NOD) with the decision. This is the first step in appealing the denial or improper rating. Don't delay, though, because you only have one year from the date of the VA's decision letter to file an NOD. Otherwise, you lose your right to appeal and the decision becomes final. Two very common and disturbing mistakes are for a veteran to file a reconsideration or to reopen the claim instead of appealing the decision. If someone, whether it be a VA representative or a veteran's service officer, advises you to file a reopen or reconsideration instead of an appeal, they may not be looking out for your best interest. Don't ever let them scare or intimidate you when they say that an appeal will take much longer and be much harder to get approved. Reopens and reconsiderations require you to submit new and material evidence, and you do stand the chance of losing your back pay....