Okay, hey there guys. It's still one here. Now, I listened to my own lecture today and I decided, you know what, I could probably have done better when it comes to explaining Lecture Exercise Part B, which was the Business Activity Statement. Now, I guess there are a few life lessons to be learned here, and namely, that is if you're going to give a lecture, it might help if you have enough sleep in you and maybe eat some lunch. Well, I've had some lunch now and I'm feeling a lot better, so let's go through your exercise now. The important thing is that you will probably need to print this exercise because we're going to come back to this information, and I don't want to zoom in and out because it'll get a bit confusing as you're watching this video. Secondly, if you can't print it out, why don't you work along with me? Okay, so let's get started. Now, one thing I'm going to remind you is that I'm not actually going to examine GST-free supplies and input tax applies. Basically, we'll leave that for tax law if and when you go and study tax law later in your degree. Hopefully, you're doing an accounting degree, so you'll do that. But, you know, for the majority of our commerce students, that's not really important. There are only two things that you need to know, and that is some transactions will have GST, so GST applies. Yes, or it will not apply. And that's basically as much as I possibly need you to know in first year. Let's have a look. We have some total sales here, and all of these numbers are going to include GST. So we'll keep it nice and simple. Total sales of...
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Va 9 Form: What You Should Know
YOU FOUND A VA MISREPRESENTATION, USE THIS FORM ONLINE Sept 16, 2025 — If you found a material misrepresentation or error in a VA form, you should fill out Veterans VA Form 9 online and then submit it to the VA for review. If you cannot do this online, then you should submit it to the VA office listed below. Your claim for VA benefits could be denied if the claim is not reviewed by the VA in a timely manner.
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